Invest Better
Experienced and Professional
One of Australia’s Leading Fund Managers
Our core aim is to capture upside volatility while minimising downside volatility. We believe this underlying philosophy will position us to outperform over the long term.
Nicolas Bryon, Fund Manager
Being Style Neutral allows us to react quickly to changes in market conditions or sentiment, enabling strong performance in all market environments.
Our Investment Team have over three decades of experience navigating various investment cycles .
Our investment process is consistent, definable, and is capable of producing superior risk adjusted returns through the cycle.
Our team approach to funds management ensures that you get consistency in our process; we do what we say we are going to do!
About Us
APSEC Funds Management was established in 2012 and is an equity fund manager based in Australia. We are focused on strong investment performance across all investment cycles. Our core aim is to capture upside volatility while minimising downside volatility. We believe this underlying philosophy will position us to outperform over the long term.
Investors will benefit from the unique insights and experience of the staff who manage APSEC Funds Management, having navigated various investment cycles over the past three decades. The investment process is dominated by four inter-related processes which determine the likely ability of an individual investment to produce a risk-adjusted return. The four processes are depicted below.
- Where are analysts? EPS revisions, recommendation cycle
- Where is the market? Aligned with analysts?
- Where is APSECFM? We need to beat the market
- The axiomatic basis for everything Fundamental
- APSECFM Analysts will actively attempt to arbitrage event information
- Reporting periods will be a source of significant Alpha
- What are the future macro events and scenarios?
- Does the market interpret future scenarios correctly?
- Better to be early or on-time, than late
- Where does a company’s valuation sit relative to its history or the market’s perception?
- Are there “technical” price points?
The Atlantic Pacific Australian Equity Fund
Annualised Fund Return
One Year Return
Cumulative Return
Years of Experience in Financial Markets
Request Information
Would you like to learn more about APSEC Funds Management or the APAEF? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us if you would prefer.
Important: APSEC Funds Management Pty Ltd ACN 152 440 723 is a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR: 411 859) of APSEC Compliance and Administration Pty Ltd ACN 142 148 409 AFSL 345 443.
Note: Your details are kept strictly confidential as per our Privacy Policy.
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Experience that you can count on.